It is starting to sound like the winter season, at our house at least. Today’s activities have already begun with a one-hour workout (Neil), and a cup of tea (me). After posting this blog, and my Jackson Marsh update blog, and after typing up half a chapter, and sweeping the floors, we’re having an ice cream workshop. That is, we have some friends coming later this morning to make ice cream with Neil. I’ll probably read, take a walk, or carry on writing. Later, I have some piano playing to do, which I am looking forward to, and this evening, the same friends are coming for dinner, part of which will be the ice cream. I’m on starters (tomato soup, homemade, of course), and laying the table. Meanwhile, outside, it’s still busy in the harbour during the day…
Also, to show that it’s finally calmer season-wise, we were able to get together with the family on Sunday and have a roast pork dinner, including gravy by Sam which is always a treat. Sitting in the courtyard under the shade of the umbrella because it was too hot in direct sunlight, chewing the cud or whatever, and catching up on news with all of us together for the first time in ages. we’ve also talked about our first ‘boys’ night’ maybe the weekend after next. The weather isn’t playing winter at all, which is both good and troublesome (some rain would be handy), and it’s still warm enough to sleep with the window slightly open and only one sheet on the bed. Looks like it’s going to stay that way for a while, too. Oh, and the train continues to run.