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Symi Dream

Living on a Greek island

Symi Dream - Living on a Greek island

Tholos restaurant (and other things)

Tholos restaurant (and other things)
That was a very nice weekend, thank you very much. And thank you to everyone who made it so. The credits list includes: Jeanette who took us to Tholos restaurant on Friday night, Colette who came with us, the couple on the bus coming back up who chatted, the customers at the Rainbow bar afterwards, the Welsh football team, Louise and Steve who gave us the Indian spices that lead to the chicken jalfrezi I made on Saturday night, Steve and Liz who took us out on Sunday night, and everyone else who has been around the bar in the afternoon for chat and catch-ups. it’s been a very sociable time of late but, from today, I think we should slow down a little. Oh, but there’s the party on the Poseidon on Thursday night to attend, so maybe after that.

Symi Greece Symi Dream

Early evening

I’ve also been writing and have a couple more chapters of one book typed up and some proofs of the other read and back with the editor/designer; I think ‘Remotely;’ is about two weeks away from being edited, then we have to do some work on the layout (widows and orphans) and then we can see about when we are going to publish it. So work continues.

Meanwhile, back to Tholos which I am featuring today as we have been there recently, Friday in fact. This restaurant/taverna is on the far side of Harani, just before the town beach at Nos, ‘Paradise Beach’ as it is also called. You reach it by walking all the way around the harbour, past the other waterfront cafes and restaurants in Harani, and there are several and all attractive and great places to be. Our table was on the top level by the water’s edge and there are some lower down. I am not sure how that works when the wake from the Blue Star comes in, but I didn’t hear anyone complaining or getting wet so I am sure it’s fine.

Symi Greece Symi Dream

Sunset colours on the hills

The menu is a good size and offers lots of variety, with a blue cheese and lettuce salad as one of the salads on offer. There are Greek mezethes in the usual tradition and, like many places, the taverna has its own recipes and takes on the traditional. There are several mains, a lot of seafood choices too and some unusual dishes. I went for the chicken in wine sauce with almonds which was served with lemon potatoes, rice is also available, or chips. Neil had a spicy pork dish which he also enjoyed. The service is very good, the two waiters and the hostess very pleasant and always attentive, and really there’s nothing bad to say about the place at all. The price was good too, not that we were allowed to contribute to paying. A word of advice: reserve a table in advance as it is very popular.

Symi Greece Symi Dream

Part of the menu

After this treat we strolled back around the harbour to catch the last bus at 23:00 and headed up to the village while others went on to The Secret Garden for their Friday night jazz, rock and blues music. (They have Greek music there on a Monday night.) The bus will stop there if you ask the driver. Saturday was a slow and almost lazy day for me, getting some of my own writing done and so was Sunday when I finished off a couple of chapters for ‘The Saddling’, the Gothic horror that’s next on the typewriter and coming along nicely – in first draft form.

Symi Greece Symi Dream

Dining at dusk at Tholos

And that’s my weekend catch-up from up here in Horio. The weather is still warm, in the mid to low 30s, there have been breezes which help keep the humidity down and there’s no sign of any rain or anything like that. The boats have been coming and going according to their schedules, with day-trippers and regular visitors being delivered, new visitors have also come to check out Symi, which is always good to see and everything is ticking along nicely.

Symi Greece Symi Dream

Night view from the table