Symi Dream

Living on a Greek island

Symi Dream - Living on a Greek island

And Rest…

Another chilly day today, but not as windy, so hopefully, we won’t have to have all heaters running all day, and we might be able to open shutters later and air the house. Meanwhile, the dehumidifier is running to draw the damp from the bedroom, but the bathroom is a lost cause. Well, it’s not, but the ceiling needs to come down and be put back up again, but that’s going to have to wait. As for me, I am going to have one of my elbow breaks, by which I mean I have to take a break from typing for a few days, like a week or so. The old arm needs to rest so no more blogs, no more storytelling, and no more Chopin for a week, maybe. Yes, I know, I hate it too, but this thing is gradually getting better, but will only continue to do so if I don’t overwork it. So, I either carry on as normal until I cannot type anymore at all, ever, or I stop after today, have a rest and then come back later, so to continue for longer. Anyway, there’s much to do around the house by way of sorting, spring cleaning, and so on, that I tend to neglect in favour of writing.

In the absence of any other news on my part, here’s a photo of the village the other night, and a couple from the other morning showing winter skies and spring greenery.

Something of a Chill

I’m coming to you today wearing three jumpers, with both heaters on, and a hole in the sitting room window. It’s still rather blowy out there, so much so, it blew off part of the frame around the ox-eye, allowing the north wind to come straight in. Later, we’ve got the unenviable task of getting down the very big ladder, going up to the ceiling, fixing the wood back on (hopefully), and coming down again. It’s not that high, I suppose about 12 feet? But then you’re up there and one of you has vertigo while the other gets off balance with heights… Meanwhile, here’s today’s sunrise photo taken over the wall, because I’m not opening the shutters to view the sea, nor going up on the roof.

This is probably the coldest we’ve been for a year (?). Up to now, the winter season has been damp and warm, with temperatures around 12 to 15°, but suddenly in the past few days, it’s dropped to:

Which may not be much for those who live further north or higher up, but when you don’t have carpets, central heating, and windows that fit, and when the houses are designed to be cool for the hot summers, well, you can imagine the fun. Still, that’s one of the reasons we like living here, that ‘get on and make the most of it’ attitude. Therefore, I shall be making the most of today with some writing work while I can (got to love anti inflammatory medication), a forth jumper or a blanket over my knees, and later, piano and model building by which time, I hope, the kitchen will be warm enough to sit in.


Just a quick update today, and mainly about the weather, and because I got up very late (for me), because I didn’t want to leave the warmth of a duvet, quilt, and two blankets, which is kind of what we need in the middle of winter. At least we’re not rushing to catch a 4.30 ferry to leave the island as they have been doing in Santorini. If you want the Greek news perspective on the seismic activity there, look at ekathimerini, which is in English, and then dig around for more on their brief stories.

As for us, today the temperature has fallen below 10° for the first time in ages, and I’m wearing two jumpers in the house. Here’s the view this morning.

And here was a view yesterday afternoon as we went for a stroll – before heading back early because of the thunder rattling around. It was brief, but it’s never good to hear thunder and realise you’ve left your PC plugged and router in.

And that will have to do us for today. I am, again, suffering from my arm/back/elbow/neck business, and will soon have to take some time away from typing to let it recover. I’ll just get this next book finished first…

And, two days ago. We’re nothing if not changeable at this time of year.

Another Pleasant Day

Another pleasant day yesterday, though still with a chill in the air, and damp around the place. After work, I took a walk down to the main road and back up it, had a look at the new treatment plant, which is coming on, wandered home again, made lunch, did the piano thing, and made some more mess on the kitchen table, as you do.

I’ve heard on the grapevine that the first of the seasonal cruise ships have come into or will very soon arrive at Rhodes, so it was appropriate (or not) that yesterday, I also watched a documentary about the Costa Concordia tragedy, before going on to watch Harry build Titanic while I made my locomotive. I don’t think the arrival of one of two ships into Rhodes will affect us here, unless some passengers manage to organise themselves into a day trip on the island ferries, rather than the day boats of summer. I’ve been in Rhodes in the winter when a cruise ship has come in, and various tourists’ shops around the Old Town have opened up for the afternoon, then closed again until the next one comes along. Well, you might as well if you’re local.

Random shot of an old building. (For the morning light and colour.)

Anyway, today is about the usual writing and taking a brief walk, and then, maybe, seeing if I can fix the bugs I currently have in my newly downloaded version of Word (under 365). I put a cry for help up on the Microsoft board and have had the usual reply from the technicians telling me to do exactly what I have already done. I won’t bore you with them here, though I might if I can’t fix them. If you’re in the Microsoft community and know your way around Word, you could take a look at the post. (For #3, I have already done what they told me to do and it still happens.) Here’s the link.

I know, that’s all boring computer talk, but that’s how it is here. I’ll leave you with a shot from yesterday’s walk.

Symi on TV

Isn’t it odd how the power of television still grabs? We walked into Rainbow last night to discover Symi on the TV. Actually, as we arrived, it was Takis on TV showing his incredible leather work. Later, we had a guided tour of Yialos, a quick foray into Horio, a drive across the island to Panormitis, and some other shots of the island taken, I assume, last summer. This was a SKAI TV programme called Happy Traveller where cheerful chappie, Ευτύχης Μπλέτσας, goes about the country with a selfie stick (and a production crew, no doubt), and does travelogues from various parts of the world; Zambia, Colombia, Symi…

Just strikes me as odd that we get so excited about seeing something on TV that we can see for real simply by sticking our head out of the door. Still, it was good to see my old boss of 20 years ago still going strong and making incredible art on leather.

If you want to see videos of Symi while you wait for your next flight, I heartily recommend Symi TV on YouTube.

Also this weekend… A few strolls around the village…

A neighbour has bought some new courtyard shrubbery from Ikea…

We have been having some lovely weather too. Mind you, it’s not quite enough yet to dry things out and everywhere is still humid and damp. I spent some of the weekend writing, of course, and I have three of my older novels in a special promo, if you’d care to take a look. This is one of those free to browse promos where you can find new authors and titles to add to your reading list. I am searching for an opportunity to put the Symi books in one of these, to give them and the island some more attention, but I’ve not found an outlet yet. Meanwhile, the slightly spooky Saddling series is having an outing. Click the banner to see what else is in the promo.